The Launching of the 16days of activism against Gender Based Violence in Wum was an arena for the use of arts and culture to speak out against Gender Based Violence.
The launching event under the patronage of the CEO of Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association for Peace and Hope Mrs Mih Bibiana Mbei Dighambong saw survivors of Gender Based Violence in the community showcase different cultural songs and dramas all to thank the CEO of the organisation and her Partners.
Amongst the dances was _Dua_ dance from the Aghem background and the _Kadudeleri_ dance from the Mbororo community all presented by trainees from the different communities and backgrounds.
All these activities according to BIHAPH's Case Worker Eyabi Rafela went a long way to show the trainees had a great understanding of GBV and ability to speak out against GBV where ever they see it.
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